Tnemnroda Shines at Cocktails With Claire

Tnemnroda Shines at Cocktails With Claire
With Claire Sulmers, Cocktails With Claire 
The music was blaring, crowd was crowding and the lights were low. Wait, lights low?!
Cocktails with Claire is divided into two experiences, a brunch or dinner with a Q+A session that often pulls at all of our hustler spirited heart strings and then a shop and sip experience. 
The brunch was over and soon the penthouse at the Attic Club would go from the showroom it resembled in the day to the, well, club it was. 
The tech guy, super serious bouncer and flirty bouncer all learned that I needed the lights up. I guess the fashion gods were smiling upon me because before I could say, "Aubergine," the lights were not only up, there was a spotlight on Tnemnroda! 
It was all more than worth it because Tnemnroda made new customers out of Yandy Smith, Rae Holiday and dozens more of you! Thanks so much for making it a blast!
Drop a line below, say hi and tell a friend about the dope eyewear line you discovered at Cocktails With Claire! 
See below for the Tnemnroda faves and more event photos! 
Unity Sunnies 
Voyeur Sunnies with Crystal 
Living The Dream 
Better Than The Rest 
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